Day One Keto Diet

Again.  My husband and I did the keto diet back in March until May when everything went to crap money wise and we had to eat cheap. If you’re not familiar with the diet, you can get a lot of information from Diet Doctor. The general idea is that you eat low carb, high fat, and moderate protein.

At first I thought this was basically Atkins but Atkins focuses on more protein than Keto does. When I started Keto, I had no cravings at all. You get to eat full fat butter and cheeses. I found that when I had real butter melted on steak and cooked with eggs topped with real cheese, I felt more satisfied. After a little while into it, I didn’t even eat that much overall because I wasn’t bored hungry anymore. I lost 13lbs in those two months which actually seems really slow compared to others but I was also breastfeeding so I was on a more moderate plan (tried to aim for 35-40 grams of carbs a day as opposed to 20). Continue reading “Day One Keto Diet”